Thursday, June 28, 2012

Is it "crisis management" — or the new normal?

A problem hits.  Leaders huddle.  What do we do about the problem?  And what do we tell people about the problem and what we're doing about it?

In today's social media environment, delay is seen as lying—or, at best, figuring out how to spin.  A group of leaders basically has a few minutes to figure out what to do.  Which really means they need to have figured out options well in advance so they can use those few minutes to pick one to use.

This used to be the sole domain of crisis management, and the end goal was preparing a crisis management plan.  But now, in everyday matters as well, standards for speed of response and transparency are higher than ever.  If you have a well-oiled communications engine, you'll be ready for both crises and quick relationship opportunities.  This article from Listed nails it: "The more places and ways in which people can find you, the more ways you can influence or ensure you're a part of the conversation."

If you don't know if you're ready, you're probably not.   So where are your lists of:
  • The types of things you can say immediately and the types of things you can't
  • Who can go out—live, right now—and start responding
  • The internal and external channels you always want to use
  • Places where you'll be able to do real-time measurement of impact
  • Who's on your quick-response team as you proceed (Legal, PR, HR, Marketing)
Or you could just wait a while and see what happens...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Another set of eyes

"Planning for the future with a rearview mirror" -- great phrase that came back to mind today, from a Gallup blog.  This is easily one of the bigger besetting sins of working in corporate communications.  Sometimes, there's just no time to innovate.  And if you feel like you're being asked to help with the umpteenth benefits change communication plan . . .

If only you had a trusted communications executive colleague, someone outside the organization, and could just pick up the phone and run the background and plan by them.  Not a half-day meeting, not an exorbitant fee.  And what you get are some challenges you wouldn't have anticipated, some new tactics, some new questions to ask.  A fresh point of view: a micro consultation.

I cannot tell you how many times I would have found this valuable.

I offer this service.  Drop me a line if you'd like to explore a micro consultation for you or your team.

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